Volunteer Opportunities
Burrowing Owl Relocation — Wild At Heart
Help relocate burrowing owls whose habitat has been taken over by development. Work includes installing artificial burrows, removing release tents to free owls relocated earlier, and feeding hacked owls.
To volunteer, please call Wild at Heart Raptor Rescue(480) 595-5047 or email Info@WildAtHeartOwls.org or steve@wildatheartowls.org or visit https://wildatheartraptors.org/recovery-programs/
Youth volunteers must be at least 8 years old, and preferably 10. Parent or guardian must be present with their children at all times.
The events almost always begin at 8 AM and end anywhere from 11 AM to 3 PM.
You may arrive and leave the events whenever you like.
Steve Thomas for Bob Fox and Greg Clark of Wild At Heart
Trail Restoration at First Water/Superstitions Trailheak!
28 October 2024
See details here.
Sky Island Alliance
Document illegal user created roads on public lands. Road closures and habitat restoration weekends. Monitor the presence of mammal species in important inter-mountain corridors. Data entry and office needs.
For more information, visit Sky Island Alliance
Arizona Important Bird Area Program Stewardship Individuals/Teams
Adopt an Arizona Important Bird Area. Conduct 6 to 9 bird surveys with your "IBA team," or as an individual, and fill out seasonal habitat report cards. Participate in site-specific projects related to birds or habitat conservation. (More on IBA program http://www.audubon.org/bird/iba/index.html)
Contact Scott Wilbor at (520) 323-0423 or iba@tucsonaudubon.org
Bird photographers wanted
The Maricopa Audubon newsletter, The Cactus Wren•dition, is always looking for photos of rare and unusual birds seen in the Phoenix area (or elsewhere in Arizona ).
Please contact Laurie Nessel at laurienessel@gmail.com.
Audubon Southwest Nature Center
Do you like to make presentations to groups?
If so, the Education Committee would like to talk to you! The Education Committee is seeking volunteers to make presentations on birds, habitat, natural history, etc. to community groups across the Valley.
If you'd like to volunteer, please contact Jason Struthers at jds.dvm@gmail.com.
Would you like to play a role in improving your education system at the local level?
National Audubon Society's environmental education program for grades 4-6, called "Audubon Adventures," is available to teachers across the U.S. for $35 a year. A newspaper for each child, plus a teacher's manual and other teaching aids, brings the wonders of the natural world to more than 15,000 classrooms across the nation five times a year. If you would like to sponsor a particular teacher, classroom or make a contribution to the overall program here's your chance to make a difference.
Contact Jason Struthers at jds.dvm@gmail.com.