The Big Sit!


Granite Reef

Photo by Mark Larson




Herb Fibel Big Sit!

Granite Reef Recreation Area

 A fundraiser to benefit MAS Youth Scholarships (Audubon Camp, AZFO Annual Meetings, etc.)

Saturday, 26 October 2024

A big thanks goes to Kathe Anderson for once again organizing this event, and to Cindy Marple for co-leading!

Sixteen of us enjoyed a beautiful morning at Granite Reef Recreation Area for the 28th Annual Herb Fibel Big Sit! Fundraiser. 

We had superb looks at a Belted Kingfisher working the river right in front of us, kiting, diving, flying and rattling. Other highlights were a Crissal Thrasher, Merlin, Coopers Hawk perched 10 meters from us in a snag overlooking the Salt River, a pair of Sora's in front of the cattails and a Greater Roadrunner working the picnic grounds, our last official sighting of the day. 

We tallied 52 species.

Help Fund Youth Scholarships!

TO DONATE: Anyone can donate by cash, check or credit card at member meetings, online or mail checks payable to Maricopa Audubon Society, P.O. Box 65401, Phoenix, AZ 85082-5401. Write “Big Sit!” In the memo line. Donate a set amount, or per bird species seen.


Donate $25 or more to the Big Sit! and receive a one-year membership to Maricopa Audubon Society.

To get your one-year membership with an online donation, fill in the Additional Information section with the note, “Automatic membership” and include your postal address to receive the quarterly Cactus Wrendition newsletter.

If donating by check, please write “Auto Join – Big Sit!” in the memo line and mail to the above address. Please include your mailing address to receive the quarterly Cactus Wrendition newsletter.

Unusual sighting at the Big Sit!, a Fiery Skipper perching on a Widow Skimmer. Photo by Laurie Nessel