Southwest Arizona Birding Info
Click on one of the links below for information.
[AP4] Alamo Lake State Park [AZ St. Pks.]
[AP5] Lake Havasu State Park [AZ St. Pks.]
[BLM6] Betty's Kitchen. [BLM] Riparian area on Colorado R. near Yuma.
[NWR1] Bill Williams River National Wildlife Refuge.
Bird Checklist. [UFWS]
[NWR2] Havasu National Wildlife Refuge.
Bird Checklist. [UFWS]
[NWR3] Imperial National Wildlife Refuge.
Bird list. [AZIBA]
[NWR4] Cibola National Wildlife Refuge.
Bird Checklist. [USGS] (Archived copy, 2013)
Bird List. [Southwest Birders]
[NWR6] Kofa National Wildlife Refuge.
Bird Checklist. [UFWS]
[NWR8] Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge. A desert refuge in SW Arizona. VERY HOT, DRY, and REMOTE.
Bird Checklist. [USGS] (Archived copy, 2006)
[NP11] Organpipe Cactus National Monument. [NPS]
[LCRV] Birding the Lower Colorado Valley (Parker to Lake Havasu). Written by David Stejskal and Gary Rosenberg. From Cactus Wrendition 39, no. 1, Jan.-Feb. 1990